Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hadiah tahun baru: Wallpaper delta 4 u all!!


Sudah ditakdirkan tuhan nak bagi tahun baru masihi ngan tahun baru Islam dekat2 kot. Ape yang aizat rase, Ape2 pown, aizat rase kite kenelah buat yang terbaik dalam hidup kite dan cube sedaya upaya untuk tak ulangi kesalahan tahun lalu. Aizat dah buat satu kesilapan besar yang selama ni aizat anggap sebagai menjaga amanah tapi disebabkan kejahilan, aizat dah tersilap dan terpesong. Manusia bukanlah seagong dan sesempurna penciptanya.

Nak tau tak sepanjang aizat keje baru2 ni, aizat pakai topi santa klaus tau. Aizat ingat nak amanah dan bertanggungjawab dengan pekerjaan aizat, so aizat pakai jugak, Banyak gak cemuhan dan tohmahan dari orang sekeliling. So, aizat tanye la ustaz Kushairi pasal mende ni, Alangkah terkejutnyew ape yang aizat bwat ni amat ditegah dalam agama pasal kite bwat mende yang berkaitan dengan agama kristian. Dalam Islam, kite panggil mende ni konsep tasyabbuh iaitu, meniru perbuatan adat, budaya dll. agama selain Islam. So, skarang pown dah abis christmas and nasi dah jadi bubur coz, ustaz baru reply mesej aizat hr ni. Anyway, ape yang aizat nak cakap kat sini jangan ulang kesilapan tapi belajar dari kesilapan tu and jangan buat lagi. dsamping tu, ilmu kite btambah jgak kan!

Ape2 pown, tanamlah azam yang positif buat tahun ni agar...ape2 jelah!!!


Ape la cabaran yang bakal menanti kite sume yewk? So berdasarkan survey yang telah dibuat, nilah komen yand diberi:-

Goodbye gray 2008, say helloooooooo to golden of 2009!!! Okay, memang banyak pahit manis sepanjang tahun 2008. Even ada sejarah hitam dalam tahun 2008, hidup mesti diteruskan dengan lebih tabah pasal kita sekarang sedang menghadapi dunia yang lebih mencabar. Bak kate Ezz, we’re just getting out of the cocoon and fly to the sun and wonder what we might become. It’s totally abstract because pada tafsitran saya cocoon atau kepompong bermaksud almamater kita where we,student,teenagers started to develop and learning preparing for the real world as we leave the cocoon or our school to the real adventurous world

Sunday, December 28, 2008


walaweii. .
korang yg pgi plkn tu aku wish gudluck..
moga korng blek nnti jdi tough2..
aku dok umah tnm anggur smpai jdi ksmis
nway,rndu ar bdak2 delta..
glasias to all my friend..

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Kecoh time Gradx mcm Chipmunk!

Kalau nak download video ni versi normal leh tekan link kat bawah ni!

Friday, December 26, 2008

my last day.....

wt a very sad day...
my last day b4 going 2 da plkn....
to all deltarian....
2morrow i'm going to fly over da sea... hehe.....
to miri, sarawak....
for 3 months....
gonna miz all of you....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Birthday December guys(n girls of coz)

Tak ingat r sape nyew birthday bulan desember tapi yang saya ingat nyew diana n nani jew! Huhu..sori psl tetinggal lah list birthday tuh! Kte kat c.c. ni so takkn nk blk kot! Anyway, kte doakan tak kesah r birthday korang ke tak. yang penting korang sume sehat n panjang umor!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008


hi sume... lme xdgr cite...
just nak inform kte dpt plkn kt sarawak...
kem sg rait, miri...
kte dftr myb 27 dis ni.. hehe...
dpt la merase nek flight....
gonna missed all of u....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cool stuff untuk korang!!!

Hot ni! Click link kat bawah ni untuk download theme yang kite dah buatkan untuk kamu!

Teacher!!! All the stuff that you want is here. You just click the link to download them. Tapi kualiti kureng ckit kot pasal videos record pakai fon

Cool Stuff!!!

I got lots of cool software in my computer even I call my PC age is about 12 years old! But I keep servicing it and upgrade it to familiar Windows XP. Actually I am earning some money of my own so that I can buy my own notebook. Anyway, back to the story. My favorite software is the Sony Ericcson Theme Creator. I hate to use a plain and simple theme on my phone. Since I found this application, it is very useful because now I can personalize my phone with theme of my own picture! It cool when my friends find out my face as phone theme and they ask for me to make it for theme. You know how much I love helping people! So I already made some for my friends and also for my sister and my cousin because both of them use SE W660i and SE W220i. (Anyway, mine is SE Cybershot K550i) Here is some picture of the themes and sneak peak on the software. You can ask for my service and it is totally F.O.C.!

Aku nak DUIT!!!

Actually I was thinking that I really wanted to enjoy this three month holiday with lots of precious excitement thing. I had plan lots of thing like hang out with my friends, buying bunch of DVD, buying my personal laptop and much more! But I just realize that all that is totally impossible without money! How can I get all the money? I cannot ask my mom for money just to fulfill my crazy mission since she also got her own priority on family’s stuff. So, I was thinking of earn some money of my own. So last week I and my cousin hit the Kinta City, fooling around seeking for part time job. We just fill the application form at KFC, Black Canyon, Jusco and Levi’s Boutique. So far we had just finish interview by the Jusco’s Manager as part time promoter. Just now Brenda from the Black Canyon CafĂ© calls me, told us that we are up for interview tomorrow on 4pm. I’m kind of nervous a bit. Hopefully everything will be alright because its is totally out of my expectation for the Jusco interview since I find out that it is so easy to get the job and I accepted. I will be paid for RM3.50 per hour. But I can only start my job on 23 December 2008 and it still along time to wait because my brother needs money A.S.A.P. Since the Canyon already calls for interview, we hope that we can start work early than Jusco’s promotion. Besides, Brenda is kind of cute to! Heehee… Anyway, pray for me so that I can get the job and spend my holiday happily and safely! How about your holiday plan, anyway?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

hye, sowie i jz c d invitation. hw r u al? i mis delta so much.
